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No two bodies are the same and every woman is different. At our clinic we recognize that individuality is important and we cater our services to reflect such. Our OB/Gyn doctor offers a wide variety of services for all of your personal needs at any stage of your life. Our services at Bridgetown Women's Care include:

  • Obstetric Services

  • Gynecology

  • Colposcopy

  • Family Planning/Contraceptive Management

  • Hysterectomy

  • Infertility Services

  • Menopause Symptoms



If you are an expectant mother, then our practice's obstetrician will assist you during each phase of your pregnancy, through each of your trimesters, and through delivery of your baby (or babies!).  Our physician will go over our obstetrics and prenatal program for making sure that mother and baby are healthy at each step of the way.  We are here to answer any questions you may have.



At Bridgetown Women's Care, we take a community-centered approach to gynecology and women’s health services. From yearly wellness physical exams and screenings to complex medical and surgical care, we offer a wide range of services in all areas of gynecologic care.


 Gestational Diabetes 

 Fetal Health Evaluation 

 Recurrent Pregnancy Loss or Miscarriage 

 Incompetent Cervix & Cerclag 

 Placenta Previa and Bleeding  


 Genetic Screening


 Natural Vaginal Birth 

 Pre-term Labor and Delivery 


Well-Woman Programs 

Yearly Exams

Cancer Screening

Premenstrual Syndrome Therapy

Contraceptive Therapy


Endometriosis Treatment

Variety of Surgical Inventions

Our Hours:

Mon - Thurs: 9am - 5pm

Fri: 8:30am - 12:30pm


Contact us for more information

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